Obligation DEUTSCHE BANK AG 0% ( DE0007096588 ) en CHF

Société émettrice DEUTSCHE BANK AG
Prix sur le marché 100 %  ▲ 
Pays  Allemagne
Code ISIN  DE0007096588 ( en CHF )
Coupon 0%
Echéance 21/11/2003 - Obligation échue

Prospectus brochure de l'obligation DEUTSCHE BANK AG DE0007096588 en CHF 0%, échue

Montant Minimal /
Montant de l'émission /
Description détaillée Deutsche Bank AG est une banque mondiale allemande offrant une large gamme de services financiers, notamment la banque de financement et d'investissement, la gestion de patrimoine et la banque privée.

L'Obligation émise par DEUTSCHE BANK AG ( Allemagne ) , en CHF, avec le code ISIN DE0007096588, paye un coupon de 0% par an.
Le paiement des coupons est annuel et la maturité de l'Obligation est le 21/11/2003

Deutsche Bank AG [London]
[Up to] [Quantity] [Certificates] [Call Warrants] [Put Warrants] [Notes]
relating to [insert details of the Underlying Asset]
Issued under its [
®] [
] [
] Programme
[Issue Price: [Amount] per [Certificate] [Warrant] [Note]]
Deutsche Bank AG [London] (the "Issuer") is [the London branch of Deutsche Bank AG which] is
incorporated under the laws of Germany. [Deutsche Bank AG London is registered as a foreign company
in England and Wales.]
Under Programme (the "Programme") the Issuer may issue certain securities relating to shares and/or
indices and/or debt securities and/or commodities and/or currencies. The Issuer has determined to issue
[up to] [quantity] [certificates] [call warrants] [put warrants] [notes] (the "Securities") relating to the
[Shares] [Index] [Bonds] [Commodities] [Currency] upon the product terms and conditions set out in
Section I of this document (the "Product Conditions") and the general terms and conditions set out in
Section II of this document (the "General Conditions", which together with the Product Conditions shall
be referred to as the "Conditions"). References to the term "Underlying Asset" shall be construed as
references to the [Shares] [Index] [Bonds] [Commodities] [Currency] specified above.
The Issuer has a right of substitution and a right to change the office through which it is acting, subject as
provided in General Condition 8.
[Application has been made to list the Securities on the [Luxembourg] Stock Exchange. For the purposes
of compliance with the national laws and regulations concerning the offering and/or listing of the
Securities outside [Luxembourg] this document may have attached to it one or more country addenda
(each a "Country Addendum"). The attachment of one or more Country Addenda shall not preclude the
attachment of further Country Addenda from time to time. References to "this document" shall, unless
the context otherwise requires, include any Country Addendum from time to time attached to this
The Securities will be represented by a global security (a "Global Security") which the Issuer will deposit
with [Deutsche Börse Clearing Aktiengesellschaft][a depositary on behalf of the Clearing Agent(s) (as
defined in the Product Conditions)] on the date of issue of the Securities. Definitive Securities will not be
The Securities may be sold by the Issuer at such times and at such prices as the Issuer may select
provided that where the Securities are listed on any stock exchange this shall be subject to applicable
regulations of any such stock exchange. There is no obligation upon the Issuer to sell all of the
Securities. The Securities may be offered or sold from time to time in one or more transactions, in the
over-the-counter market or otherwise at prevailing market prices or in negotiated transactions, in each
case at the discretion of the Issuer.
Prospective purchasers of the Securities should ensure that they understand fully the nature of
the Securities, as well as the extent of their exposure to risks associated with an investment in the
Securities and should consider the suitability of an investment in the Securities in light of the
their own particular financial, fiscal and other circumstances. Prospective purchasers of the
Securities should refer to "General Risk Factors" in Section II of this document. The Securities
will represent unsubordinated, unsecured contractual obligations of the Issuer which will rank
pari passu in all respects with each other.
The Securities have not been registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended,
and trading in the Securities has not been approved by the United States Commodity Futures Trading
Commission and the United States Commodity Exchange Act, as amended. For a description of certain
restrictions on the sale and transfer of the Securities, please refer to the General Selling and Transfer
Restrictions in Section II of this document.
The Preliminary Offering Circular is dated 18 November 2002 and provides information with
respect to various types of financial instruments which are capable of issue under the
Programme. This Preliminary Offering Circular supersedes the preliminary offering circular
dated 16 November, 2001. [This Offering Circular constitutes, in relation to the Securities
only, a completed version of the Preliminary Offering Circular and is dated [·] [·], [·].]
Deutsche Bank

No dealer, salesman or other person is authorised to give any information or to make any
representation other than those contained in this document in connection with the offering or
sale of the Securities and, if given or made, such information or representation must not be
relied upon as having been authorised by the Issuer. None of this document and any further
information supplied in connection with the Securities is intended to provide the basis of any
credit or other evaluation and should not be considered as a recommendation by the Issuer
that any recipient of this document or any further information supplied in connection with the
Securities should purchase any of the Securities. Each investor contemplating purchasing
Securities should make its own independent investigation of the risks involved in an
investment in the Securities. Neither this document nor any other information supplied in
connection with the Securities constitutes an offer by or on behalf of the Issuer or any other
person to subscribe for or purchase any Securities.
Subject as set out in Information Relating to the Underlying Asset in Section I, the Issuer
accepts responsibility for the information contained in this document. To the best of the
knowledge and belief of the Issuer (who has taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is
the case) the information contained in this document is in accordance with the facts and does
not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information.
The delivery of this document does not at any time imply that the information contained
herein is correct at any time subsequent to the date of this document or that any further
information supplied in connection with the Securities is correct as of any time subsequent to
the date indicated in the document containing the same.
The distribution of this document and the offering of the Securities in certain jurisdictions may
be restricted by law. The Issuer does not represent that this document may be lawfully
distributed, or that the Securities may be lawfully offered, in compliance with any applicable
registration or other requirements in any jurisdiction, or pursuant to an exemption available
thereunder, or assumes any responsibility for facilitating any distribution or offering.
Accordingly, the Securities may not be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, and none of this
document, any advertisement relating to the Securities and any other offering material may
be distributed or published in any jurisdiction, except under circumstances that will result in
compliance with any applicable laws and regulations. Persons into whose possession this
document comes must inform themselves about, and observe, any such restrictions. Please
refer to General Selling and Transfer Restrictions in Section II of this document, to Additional
Information in Section IV of this document and to any relevant Country Addendum.

Deutsche Bank AG [London]
[Number] [Nominal Amount] of
[Up to] [
[Certificates] [Call Warrants]
[Put Warrants] [Notes]:
Underlying Asset:
[Share / Index / Bond / Currency / Commodity / details of Basket]
[Initial Reference Price:]
[Currency] [Amount]
Issue Price:
[Currency] [Amount]
Issue Date:
[Exercise Price:]
[Currency] [Amount]
[Coupon/Interest Amount:]
] % [per annum] [balloon]
[Interest Payment Date:]
and the] Maturity Date
[Exercise Date] [Exercise
Period] [Maturity Date]:
[Cash] [Physical] [Cash or physical at the Issuer's option]
[Automatic Exercise:]
[No] [Applicable]
[Settlement Date:]
[ ]
Settlement Currency:
[Cash Settlement Amount]
] per Security
[Share Amount] [Redemption
Cash Amount]:
[Minimum [Return] [Delivery]
[Currency] [Amount] [Quantity]
[Minimum Exercise Amount:]
[Maximum Exercise Amount:]
Calculation Agent:
The Issuer shall act as the Calculation Agent
Principal Agent:
[Deutsche Bank AG [London]]

Product Conditions
I - 1
Information Relating to the Underlying Asset
I - n
General Conditions
II - 1
General Risk Factors
II - 6
General Taxation Information
II - 11
General Selling and Transfer Restrictions
II - 13
General Information Relating to the Issuer
II - 14
III - 1
IV - 1


Document Outline